
Gamestorming Podcast

A video game non-expert creates ideas for video games right before your very ears! Tune in each week for a new idea created using brainstorming cards and story dice.

GameStorming Episode 2: Definitely Not X-COM Terror from the Deep

Welcome to the second episode of GameStorming! This is a podcast about me creating ideas for video games right before your very ears! Tune in each week for a new idea created using brainstorming cards and story dice. Listen to the first episode about Lumberjacks fighting Aliens!

This week I basically came up with the idea for X-COM: Terror from the Deep. I didn't know this game existed before recording this, but I feel my idea ended up being slightly different and definitely worth a listen! I find it funny how well this concept lends itself to the X-COM format.

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For each episode I will post a screenshot of the story dice and brainstorming cards I used during the episode. Feel free to let me know what games you come up with!

The story dice I use

The brainstorming cards I use