Spotify Brand Exploratory Report.PNG

Case Studies

Warby Parker Funnel SQL Project

Warby Parker Funnel SQL Project

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Objective: Use SQL to analysis hundreds of rows of customer data across three tables at multiple stages of the purchase funnel. Provide insights to the management team.

• Change the default try on quantity to five frames instead of three
• Remove $50 price point for women and introduce a $200 price point
• Make it easier to answer question five of the quiz, perhaps through integration with Gmail to search for last eye appointment

Spotify Brand Management

Spotify Brand Management

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Objective: Use quantitative and qualitative research to explore the perception of Spotify’s brand and recommend improvements to reach Latin American subscribers.

• Leverage other social media platforms such as Snapchat – no presence there currently
• Build awareness of bundling offers to a wider audience
• Improve the free offering
• Build walkthroughs of often overlooked features
• Expand non-music podcast selection

Microsoft Strategic Management

Microsoft Strategic Management

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Objective: Examine Microsoft’s Azure strategy and the cloud computing marketplace to make recommendations for improvement.

• Leverage acquisitions of GitHub and Lobe
• Differentiate through Integration
• Embrace Open Source
• Create business partners not service providers

Optimization Strategy Using Anchor

Optimization Strategy Using Anchor

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Objective: How to build on the success of the IBM Analytics Insights Podcast Network and drive growth faster.

Recommendations: Implement the podcast creation and management tool Anchor to save money and produce content faster, generate rapid audience feedback, and scale operations to other teams easily.

Gainesville Restaurants Customer Analysis

Gainesville Restaurants Customer Analysis

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Objective: Segment restaurant patrons in order to generate an efficient marketing strategy for a new restaurant in Gainesville.

Recommendations: Open a restaurant with a car theme evocative of the “Fast and Furious” movie franchise, appealing to lower income segments of the Gainesville population, from local families to younger, college aged customers. Advertise in Car and Driver Magazine, as it has shown to be the most efficient use of marketing spend amongst magazines examined.

Humble Bundle Pricing Strategy

Humble Bundle Pricing Strategy

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Objective: Pick a new pricing scheme for a company. Explain in detail how this new scheme works in the context of the industry. Analyze, both quantitatively and qualitatively, how it could lead to greater profitability.

Recommendations: Set a higher anchor price which encourages higher donation amounts, with the same marginal costs. This helps mitigate free-riders/low donation amounts and conserve bandwidth. Furthermore, make more games limited availability to encourage action. Use uncertainty in bundle selection and charge higher amounts for certainty features such as improved quality or relevance of selection.

Auxo Fitness Marketing Strategy

Auxo Fitness Marketing Strategy

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Objective: After a rebrand, fewer potential customers were discovering Auxo Fitness, despite strong community involvement and customer satisfaction. Deliver a plan to address the problem.

Recommendations: Leverage SEM, Social, and In-Person activities to build brand awareness and drive community growth, reach more people, and increase engagement.

Chile Historical Financial Analysis

Chile Historical Financial Analysis

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Objective: Examine if the capital controls utilized in the 1990’s in Chile were successful in their goals.

Findings: Sound macroeconomic policies were probably more of a driver of success than capital controls, but there was some impact especially in the shift from short to longer term capital.